Thursday, July 15, 2010

Caples July 13, 2010

Took some friends up to our beautiful Sierra lake called Caples. They really didn't know how to fish very well, but it turned out to be an okay catching day. Started off with the usual and easy powerbait routine. Rainbow and orange power bait was the magical color on this day.

Trolling wise, it was slow, but Mark did nail a nice rainbow on a cop car needlefish. What turned out to be the ticket was drifting. Drifting with powerbait underneath a casting bobber and split shot power worm did the trick for most of the action.

Not the biggest trout around, but great company and scenery. Hard to beat it. Thank goodness the trout were kind enough to entertain us.

Water temp was 58-60 degrees and high. The snow melt has done wonders for this lake this year. Weather was breezy with lots of sun. Just ask my nose.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Shad Season

Oops! Been so busy with work and shad season on the American. That brings me the weirdest and greatest shad season of all times. Started off in April on the main Sacramento River tossing a red/white shad dart with a 1/2 oz egg sinker and leader. Most of the action came off the banks at Miller Park and Discovery. But the crowds were just as thick as the fish.

Beginning of May we ventured to the American and started our own slaughter fest of shad in solitude. On the American the gear is simple. A light weight trout rod, 2-4 lb test, and a 1/16 oz jighead tipped off with a 1" pink champagne grub. It was an awesome season. The shad were much BIGGER this year with the average being 3 pounders. Lots of 4 pounders were caught up to 6 pounds. The weather was going nuts in northern California this year. We fished from nice sunny 80 degrees days to windy rainy blistery winds the following day. The weather pattern was pretty much like that all through May and early part of June.

One thing I found out this year, when it was cloudy and miserable, the shad bite could and would happen at all hour of the day. Made for some great catching days. You didn't have to be there at first light or last light. Now that we're hitting the end of shad here in July. It's all a late night affair right before sunset. A tiny trickle of fish are still milling around for the spawn, but it's definitely not great catching right now.
Ok, had to put the picture of the incidental catch from my son on his shad gear. The striper hit his shad as he was reeling the shad in. He was using 2lb maxx mono line. Ultralight Shakespeare rod. Ultra light Okuma Aveneger reel. Striper weighed in at 9.65. What a feat. You just never know might happen in this crazy world of fishing.