Tuesday, July 7, 2009

American River Shad Update

Well, the flows on the American has been high and fast at 5,000 CFS. The weather was warm to hot, now we're having a slight cooling trend to the mid 80's. It looks like the shad fishing is starting to die off. There is no use going before 19:30. Yeah, you might catch some, but the bite has been consistent between 20:00- right til dusk. You'll most likely end up with 10 hard fighters on your line. You'll miss and lose about just as many. It's still fun fishing for them, but don't expect no hardcore non-stop action. I think it's about over, but who really knows. It's all up to the shad. Enjoy them while you can. Oh! Almost all females looked like they have spawned out. The stripers aren't even slamming them at dusk like they used to. Time to gear up for some topwater striper action and maybe a few steelies here and there.

Hopefully, I'll be slamming some high sierra trout soon. Good fishing and be safe.

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