Thursday, July 30, 2009

American River Stripers

Oh boy, I have been busy. Forgot I had this blog. Been slamming the American River hard for the stripers. Not fast and furious action, but pulling out keepers here and there. Largest so far landed was 24 inches. Bigger ones lost and bigger ones seen. Big I mean like 10 plus pounders. As of late, the flows are above 5000 CFS for the most part. Fluctuating between 4100-5500 CFS. This has definitely but a strain on the bite. I don't care what people say, yes you can still catch them. But not as good as when the flows are lower and more stable. These stripers have so much more water to hide in and pockets are everywhere they might hide. Best section of the river right now is definitely the section below Ancil Hoffman. Goodluck and enjoy. I sure do.

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